OK, so you’ve taken over this website.

Let me introduce you to your new client, Munish Kumar, from the province of Punjab. He is an Indian idiot who will make you always fight for the money you earned. Also, he is a small man who thinks that he is very nice and kind person, but he is actually just a sad little mouse with very complicated restaurant menu he doesn’t understand him self. If you take over administration of this website, always take the money in advance, never give him what he wants and never go and taste the food he is preparing, since he rejected to buy healthy meat and buys his supplies in the supermarket. Grose!

However, always take the money and then provide the service. Never give him any discount, since he has money, but will always cry how he’s poor. Never trust him, never trust his culture, they both suck! They are primitive, time consuming, lying sons of bitches. OK, they had Gandhi, but there are over billion of them, and only one Gandhi among savages.

And always have in your mind to check the page ”Under” if you whish to fuck him up. Just switch the page on and make it homepage.